is the cornerstone of a permanent training program; how many times did you have to stop running because your body couldn't just keep up? Thus you start thinking that there is something wrong with you and running is not for you. Even so, a good stamina is a sing of good health and fitness condition. Here are a few tips that can help increase your stamina when running, thus improving your physical performance in all areas of life. 1- This is a big mistake and will cost you a lot if you keep on making regularly. Your body is just like any other machine, it needs time and preparation in order to get ready and set for running. Therefore, you should always start your workout session with a brisk walk for at least 5 minutes; stretch lightly your leg muscles, this reduces any stiffness and ignites the working muscles for the exercise. 3- Relax This may not sound obvious, but relaxation is the foundation of stamina. Stress robs you from energy and slows you down greatly; on the other hand, relaxation allows constant and unhindered flow of energy throughout your body, thus opening the door for a better running performance. 4- Build the intensity gradually Don't push yourself from the get go; Choose your shoes wisely Of course, running shoes won't make you a firs-class athlete or even a better runner, but they will set the stage for an excellent running session. If you run in the wrong shoes, you will start - sooner or later-feeling discomfort and pain; this is only a hindrance to your running performance. 2- Warm-up properly Many beginner runners Bioinvitagen skip the warm-up phase;.